Do Squirrels Eat Plants At Night?




Do Squirrels Eat Plants At Night

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Ever wondered if squirrels have a penchant for plant feasts during the night? If you’ve ever found your garden plants ravaged, you’re not alone.

The answer is a resounding yes! Squirrels, those agile, acrobatic creatures, are not only diurnal but also avid nocturnal plant-eaters.

But why do they choose the cover of darkness for their culinary escapades?

And more importantly, how can you safeguard your cherished garden from their nocturnal snacking habits? In this article, we delve into the captivating realm of squirrels and their nighttime plant forays, offering practical solutions to deter them.

Do Squirrels Eat Plants at Night?

Yes, squirrels do eat plants at night. As diurnal creatures, squirrels are most active during the day, but they will sometimes wake and leave their nests to snack overnight as well.

Under cover of darkness, they may feel emboldened to raid gardens or seek out plant foods further from the safety of their nest or tree.

Some foods squirrels nibble on at night include fruits, vegetables, flowers, bark, mushrooms, and even bird seed. Their great sense of smell allows them to locate edible plants even in low light. So any outdoor plants are vulnerable to a hungry squirrel’s nighttime cravings.

These factors make nighttime an attractive time for squirrels to forage. Gardeners need to understand these behaviors to protect their plants effectively.

Squirrels intersting fact

The Diet of Squirrels

Squirrels are omnivores, which means they have a diverse diet that includes both plant and animal matter.

While nuts and seeds are their primary food source, they also consume fruits, flowers, fungi, bird eggs, insects, and even small mammals when given the chance. This versatility allows them to adapt to different environments and find sustenance throughout the seasons.

When it comes to plants, squirrels have a particular affinity for vegetation that is rich in nutrients and energy. They are especially drawn to fruits, such as berries and apples. These provide them with essential vitamins and sugars necessary for their active lifestyles.

Nocturnal Habits of the Squirrel

Several factors can influence squirrels to engage in nocturnal feeding. Let’s explore some of the most significant factors:

Food Availability

Squirrels are resourceful creatures, and they will adapt their behavior based on the availability of food. If their preferred food sources are scarce during the day, they may venture out at night to find alternative options.

In urban areas, where artificial lighting allows for extended foraging hours, squirrels may have an increased chance of consuming plants after dark.

Predation Risk

Squirrels are vulnerable to predation, particularly from birds of prey and nocturnal predators like owls and foxes. To minimize their exposure to these threats, squirrels may alter their feeding schedules and opt for less risky nighttime foraging.

By eating plants at night, they can take advantage of reduced predation risk and enjoy a more peaceful meal.

Temperature and Weather

Extreme temperatures can also influence squirrels’ feeding behavior. During scorching summer days, they may conserve energy by resting and feeding during cooler nighttime hours.

Similarly, in colder climates, squirrels might rely on nocturnal feeding to take advantage of milder temperatures and mitigate the challenges posed by frost or snow.

Human Disturbance

Squirrels are highly adaptable to human environments, and urban areas often provide them with abundant food sources.

Human activity during the day, such as noise and frequent foot traffic, can disrupt their feeding patterns. To avoid disturbances, squirrels may choose to forage for plants at night when there is less human presence.

Plant Species Preferred by Squirrels

Squirrels have their own unique preferences when it comes to plants. While their diet may vary depending on their geographical location and the season, here are some plant species commonly consumed by squirrels:


Acorns are the fruits of oak trees and are highly sought after by squirrels. As a staple food source, squirrels often collect and store acorns for the winter when other food options are limited.

They have even been known to bury acorns in various locations as a way to remember their cache.


Squirrels have a sweet tooth and are particularly fond of berries. Whether it’s strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries, these fruits provide a tasty treat for squirrels and are a valuable source of nutrients.


Apples are another fruit that squirrels enjoy. These juicy treats are a great source of carbohydrates and sugars, providing squirrels with a quick burst of energy.

If you have apple trees in your backyard, don’t be surprised to find squirrels munching on them.

Maple Seeds

Maple trees produce seeds known as “helicopters” or “whirlybirds” due to their unique shape. Squirrels are attracted to these seeds and play a role in their dispersal.

They consume some of the seeds and often forget or neglect to retrieve them, leading to accidental seed dispersal and contributing to the growth of new maple trees.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflowers are well-loved by humans, but squirrels are equally enthusiastic about the seeds they produce.

Whether it’s wild sunflowers or cultivated ones, these seeds are rich in fats and proteins, making them a highly nutritious food source for squirrels.

Related Post: What Keeps Squirrels Out of Tomato Plants

Tips for Protecting Your Plants from Squirrels

If you’re an avid gardener or have precious plants that you want to keep safe from squirrel nibbling, here are some tips to help protect your plants:

Use Physical Barriers

Install fences or wire mesh around your garden beds to deter squirrels from reaching your plants. Make sure the barriers are buried to prevent squirrels from digging underneath.

Apply Repellents

There are various squirrel repellent products available that can help discourage squirrels from feasting on your plants. These repellents often utilize substances with strong scents or tastes that squirrels find unpleasant.

Create a Distraction

Offer squirrels an alternative food source away from your prized plants. Set up a feeding station stocked with squirrel-friendly foods like nuts and seeds. This diversion may convince squirrels to leave your plants untouched.

Plant Squirrel-Resistant Species

Choose plant varieties that squirrels are less likely to eat. While squirrels can be clever and adaptable creatures, some plants possess natural deterrents, such as thorns or strong odors, that make them less appealing to squirrels.

Related Post: Do Squirrels Eat Leaves

Practice Companion Planting

Integrate plants that squirrels dislike among your preferred ones. Strong-smelling herbs like mint, lavender, or rosemary can help deter squirrels from approaching your garden.

While squirrels are primarily active during the day, it is not uncommon to spot them enjoying a late-night snack on plants. Their nocturnal feeding habits can be influenced by factors such as food availability, predation risk, weather conditions, and human disturbance.

Understanding the preferences and behaviors of squirrels can help you better appreciate these fascinating creatures while taking measures to protect your beloved plants. With the right strategies in place, you can create a harmonious garden where both you and the squirrels can coexist peacefully.



Do squirrels eat plants at night?

Squirrels are primarily diurnal creatures, meaning they are most active during the day.

However, they can occasionally be seen foraging at night, especially if there is a scarcity of food. While they may nibble on plants during their nocturnal expeditions, their main food sources at night are usually nuts, seeds, and insects.

What plants are most susceptible to squirrel damage?

Squirrels have a preference for certain types of plants. Some of the plants that are more susceptible to squirrel damage include tulips, crocus bulbs, sunflowers, tomatoes, and corn.

These plants often become targets for squirrels due to their attractive aroma or easily accessible fruits.

How can I protect my plants from squirrel damage at night?

There are several methods you can employ to protect your plants from squirrel damage. One option is to install a physical barrier such as a wire mesh, fence, or netting around your garden beds or individual plants.

Another approach is to use natural deterrents like predator urine, such as that of a fox or coyote, which can be found in certain stores. Additionally, providing alternative food sources like squirrel feeders may help divert their attention away from your plants.

What are some signs that squirrels have been eating my plants at night?

If squirrels have been snacking on your plants at night, there are a few telltale signs you can look out for.

Look for bite marks on leaves, partially eaten fruits or vegetables, or missing flowers or bulbs. Squirrels often leave behind scattered plant debris near their feeding areas as well.

Are there any plants that squirrels avoid eating?

While squirrels may show a general preference for certain plants, their taste can vary. Some plants that squirrels tend to avoid include daffodils, hyacinths, marigolds, lavender, and peppermint.

Plants with strong odors or textures that squirrels find unappealing, such as those with prickly leaves, may also be less likely to be targeted by these critters.

What are some other methods to deter squirrels from eating plants at night?

Apart from physical barriers and natural deterrents, there are a few additional methods you can try to discourage squirrels from feasting on your plants at night.

These include using motion-activated sprinklers, employing noise deterrents like wind chimes or ultrasonic devices, or even getting a dog or cat to patrol your garden area. The key is to create an environment that is less inviting and more challenging for squirrels to access and explore.

Plants serve as an important source of nourishment for squirrels, providing them with essential nutrients and energy.

It’s worth noting that their diet may vary depending on the availability of food in their habitat.

So, if you’ve been wondering about squirrels’ nocturnal plant consumption, rest assured that they do indeed eat plants at night.

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