Author: Marquis A. Forester

  • Do Squirrels Eat Plants At Night?

    Do Squirrels Eat Plants At Night?

    Ever wondered if squirrels have a penchant for plant feasts during the night? If you’ve ever found your garden plants ravaged, you’re not alone. The answer is a resounding yes! Squirrels, those agile, acrobatic creatures, are not only diurnal but also avid nocturnal plant-eaters. But why do they choose the cover of darkness for their…

  • Are Cherry Tomatoes Safe For Squirrels? Find Out Here!

    Are Cherry Tomatoes Safe For Squirrels? Find Out Here!

    If you have ever wondered what squirrels can and cannot eat, you might be surprised to learn that these little critters can enjoy the juicy goodness of cherry tomatoes. Squirrels are known for their curious and adaptable nature, and they are not picky eaters when it comes to exploring the world of food. So, the…

  • Do Squirrels Eat Tomatoes at Night?

    Do Squirrels Eat Tomatoes at Night?

    It’s a common question among gardeners who have noticed their ripe, juicy tomatoes mysteriously disappearing overnight. Well, the short answer is yes, squirrels do have a penchant for tomatoes, and they don’t mind feasting on them under the cover of darkness. These cunning critters are known for their resourcefulness and ability to find food wherever…

  • What Keeps Squirrels Out of Tomato Plants? [Best Ways]

    What Keeps Squirrels Out of Tomato Plants? [Best Ways]

    Looking to protect your precious tomato plants from mischievous squirrels? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore what keeps squirrels out of tomato plants and provide you with effective solutions to keep these furry garden invaders at bay. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, we all know how frustrating it…

  • Do Squirrels Like Peanuts in the Shell?

    Do Squirrels Like Peanuts in the Shell?

    It’s a common question that many people ponder when they come across a playful squirrel in their backyard or while enjoying a picnic in the park. The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. While squirrels are known to have a diverse diet, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, roasted peanuts may not…

  • The Art Of Attracting Squirrels With Sound

    The Art Of Attracting Squirrels With Sound

    Looking to invite some furry visitors into your backyard? Wondering how to attract squirrels with sound? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll share some simple yet effective tips to capture the attention of these agile creatures using auditory allure. Whether you want to observe their playful antics or simply enjoy the delightful presence…

  • Do Squirrels Eat Voles? [Depth Guide]

    Do Squirrels Eat Voles? [Depth Guide]

    Curious gardeners and wildlife enthusiasts often find themselves pondering the complex relationships among creatures in their backyard. One intriguing question that frequently arises is, “Do squirrels eat voles?” The answer is a resounding yes! Squirrels, those agile acrobats of the treetops, have surprising eating habits. And when it comes to voles, their voracious appetite knows…

  • Wobbly Squirrel Syndrome [The Complete Guide]

    Wobbly Squirrel Syndrome [The Complete Guide]

    Have you ever seen a squirrel with an unusual wobble while scurrying around trees? You may have witnessed a case of “wobbly squirrel syndrome.” But what exactly is this condition, and how can it be resolved? In this article, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of wobbly squirrel syndrome, exploring its causes and providing practical…

  • Why Squirrels Are Black? (No One Told Before)

    Why Squirrels Are Black? (No One Told Before)

    It’s a question that has intrigued nature enthusiasts for years. The answer lies in the complex interplay of genetics and evolution. Squirrels, like many other animals, have evolved to blend in with their surroundings to ensure their survival. The black coloration of these furry creatures serves as a form of camouflage, allowing them to move…

  • Are Black Squirrels Dangerous? [In Depth]

    Are Black Squirrels Dangerous? [In Depth]

    No, black squirrels are not inherently dangerous. These intriguing creatures, with their unique dark fur, often grab our attention and spark curiosity. It’s important to understand that while black squirrels may look different from the more common gray or red squirrels, they do not pose any greater threat. In fact, they’re just as harmless and…